Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Evaluation on Homework

Students: Speaking as a student myself (doing homework right now, yeah - this blog), I hate homework. I mean I just spent about 6-7 hours at school and now I have homework too. And because we get so dang much of it, I have to take another few hours to get it done. In between doing my homework, I have to do my chores and eat and stuff. Jeez. They have seven hours to stuff us with knowledge and you'd hope that they would stop there but you'd be wrong.
The thing I hate most about the whole homework thing is that we get so much because teachers don't bother to plan out who's giving a project when, so sometimes I get like three projects at a time. Talk about stressful and frustrating and agrivating and so on. When a kid gets home, I think they should be able to do stuff, like go to movies, hang out with friends, etc. I don't know if your parents are like mine but I can't do anything until my homework and chores are done.

Teachers: Since I am not a teacher I don't really know but they don't seem to enjoy giving us homework either. You know, because they have to grade it eventually. But they don't seem to mind how long it takes students or whether they are giving them a huge project due at the same time as another. You'd think since they went to school once upon a time they would understand how much the students hate it when they pile on homework, but for some inconceivable reason they give it out like candy (really, really gross candy that nobody likes - to me that would be black licorice). Maybe it's because they want to make us work as hard as they did, deep down in their black hearts they take it out on us just to feel better. (Of course I am not trying to offend any teachers but seriously, think about it!)

Parents/Other People: I'm not a parent or an "other" person but I am sure that they love it when we have homework. I mean how often have I heard my mom say she was glad I was busy doing something constructive. It really annoys me how much she enjoys it. She can do whatever she wants in peace as long as I am busy studying for a test or doing the final touches on a project. Parents are also happy that we aren't getting into trouble since we're busy with homework. Of course there are kids that don't do their homework and stuff but there are less than there could be.

Anyway, I hate homework. And really it's pretty obvious and it isn't like I had to write a review about it but whatever.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I think it is important for people to have pets. I love my cat and dog, but I will admit that they can be really frustrating and annoying and bothersome and loud and messy. Like last night, I was up at 3 in the morning, yelling at my dog to stop barking. Right, back to the whole pets are great thing.

Despite how annoying pets can be, like when you have to clean up after walking you dog (gross!), I still love my dog.

Daily Life with my Dog:

Everyday when I come home my dog comes running to greet me. I hurrying to hook on her leash and get her out, before she starts giving me the sad eyes. After a walk my dog always gets really hyper, she runs around and jumps on people. It gets a little insane but it's still cute. It takes awhile but she calms down and comes to si on my lap while I try to finish my homework. Then when I go to bed she jumps up and claims her space. She looks really cute when she is asleep! She snores, kicks, barks, and growls in her sleep. Cute, sure, but not when she's kicking you!

In case you wondering why I am not writing about my cat might I mention that I don't like cats all that much. My cat loves to scratch me. I'm not a cat person.


I can't imagine growing up with out a pet. My entire life I have had some kind of animal. They teach responsibility and make you feel better when your sad. [Don't call me crazy, but] you can even talk to your pet. They never tell anyone and they just sit there and stare at you, so if they really aren't listening you can't tell. Plus if you get cold easily, like me, your pet can just lay on your lap and warm you. (That's what my dog is doing right now) You can also teach your pets tricks. Like I taught my dog to shake hands (for her, paws). But I still can't get her to "play dead", and that's the collest trick if you ask me! Anyway, pets are companions that you can trust with everything and they always love you.

I love my dog, Florecita. She's adorable.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Flying Time?

You know the saying "time flies by, when you're having fun?"

I remember a long time ago, I used to think this saying was really stupid. I always wondered how time could possibly fly. But really it has nothing to do with flying time. Now that I am older, thank goodness for getting smarter as you get older, I know that this saying is very true, just not literally.

In math class, I complain that time is passing too slow. At lunch, I complain that time is passing too fast. All that complaining got me wondering why when things sucked time decided to torture me and when things were fun time sped by. I guess there isn't any way time could decide to ruin my life...But it seems that way some times.

I think I know why now! When I am enjoying myself, at a good movie or relaxing over a long weekend, I don't look at the clock because I am having too much fun to bother. So when I look up at the clock it's an hour or more later, so time seems fast. And when I am depressed or bored, like when I am doing math or when I am at a lame movie, I find my eyes wandering toward the clock, and I think when is class going to be over or how much longer? During these times I am staring at the clock every five minutes, which makes time seem much slower. How obvious this answer seems now but for some reason I never thought of these things before.

In my english class, I am reading Fahrenheit 451. And a main theme in the novel is a society not thinking. So I guess I thought it would be fun to think once in a while, you know, about real (I mean really real) things. Not things like what you ate for breakfast or what show you watched last night, that doesn't have anything to do with anything important, maybe it does to you but not to the whole world or anything.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Am Legend

My new favorite movie!

*This post may contain spoilers for those of you who have not seen it. *

I really don't like movies with infected people, zombies, or any other strange creature. Especially when those movies include bloody scenes or lots of gory stuff. I'll be honest, it scares me silly!

So that's why this movie is my new favorite movie! Sure there were some bloody scenes, but not super bloody or anything, if you get what I'm saying. I even cried, my mom is usually the one that does that (oh, you know, those people that cry at the weirdest times - that's my mom), at the part where Robert has to kill Sam, his dog. I had to turn away from my mom, so she couldn't laugh at me. (WARNING: THIS IS A SPOILER) But the funny part is I didn't cry when Robert sacrificed himself, I almost did though.

Anyway, this movie was well put together and whatever emotion you were meant to feel, you felt. At the sad parts, I cried, usually, at the scary parts, I cringed or yelped, at the funny parts, I laughed. I love the emotion and depth in this movie. How horrible this movie would have been if Robert hadn't talked to the mannequins like they were living, how unrealistic. The guy has been alone and without his loved ones for a long time, what more could you expect. At that point I would be trying to live with the deer!

There is also some really good acting in this movie. Well, obviously with Will Smith in it! He really gives the movie the emotion necessary for any and all scenes. Especially good acting at the emotional scenes, like when he had to kill his dog or when he was yelling at Ana (explaining that no one was left, or when he sacrificed himself. Well done! These amazing scenes made the movie what it is.

So, yeah, I LOVED this movie and I'll probably by it (and when I do, I will still cry, laugh, and cringe). DEFINITELY watch this movie! Take my advice it rocks! If I were to give it a "thumb" review, it would receive ...(insert drumroll here)... two!

Sabriel A.

Monday, March 9, 2009


What is Night about?

Night is a first hand account of a Jewish boy living during the Holocaust. This account weaves through the discovery, sorrow, and tortures of this dark period in time. This boy, Eliezer, is forced into concentration camp after concentration camp where he meets others suffering his fate. Where is God? Where is his mercy? they question in vain. All the while they still hope that they will be liberated.

What I think about Night?

At first I was skeptical, this book didn't really look like it was going to be that good. But surprisingly I found it intriguing, (I do admit that I had to read this for school). I was shocked that I was drawn to a story that was so dark. I am still disgusted by the treatment of the Jews, I didn't know what it was really like. Every other version is "prettied" up but this novel told it like it was and I think that's the best way to tell it. Throughout this novel, I noticed significant changes in the characters. I noticed that people began to question God and with the exessive amount of torture they went through, they quickly became used to it, they no longer flinched as another was whipped for fear of further pain on themselves. It is amazing the way this author captures the fear that filled their hearts but also to hold onto the feeling of hope that these people continued to grasp.

While this book is terrifying in some aspects, I found it intensely gripping and would not want anyone to miss this book.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Golem's Eye

The Golem's Eye is the sequel to The Amulet of Samarkand. I am so addicted to these books...

The action in both the first and second is is fast-paced and sometimes overwhelming (in a good way). In this sequel, the reader gets to understand the characters even more and as I read, I felt like I knew them. (My favorite character is still Bartimaeus - he's so sarcastic and funny. I find myself laughing often.) I really love the way the words leap of the pages and form pictures, even without noticing it, I find myself walking through the streets between grand estates in Westminister.

The author has a good sense of humor. And he has definitely made it onto my favorite author list (yes, I have a list).


Monday, February 23, 2009

money, money, money

Today, I will evaluate a money system commonly used in most countries (An interesting subject, you might say)

I don't like the idea of money exchanging hands, determining a person's status, and everything else. When I stopped to think about it, money pretty much controls everything. You know the saying, "money can't buy happiness". Oh, if only it were true. In some cases money can buy happiness. Just as a little example, that shows how early a greed for money can start:
A little girl walking down the street, her hand in her mother's (you know how cautious they are, and for good reason!). The sun is exessively bright, and everyone is uncomfortably hot. She turns to her mother a begs and whines for "just one ice cream cone." The mother gives in and buys the ice cream. The two walk off, happily. The mother enjoys the peace and quiet and the kid slurps at the ice cream.
Huh? So money can't buy happiness, riiiiiight.
Money is everything. And everyone seems to have accepted that because when was the last time anyone lived without this money system (well they aren't alive today!). I can't believe how much money controls us, it controls what we wear, what we eat, what we watch, who we are friends with, and overall self-esteem. Anything you talk about, you can relate it back to money! But now, especially, in this bottomless pit that the economy has become, we all worry more about money and, as I like to argue, less about things that matter. How many people lay homeless on the streets, how many people starve or go without proper medicine/health care, how many people are hanging on the edge trying to hold on to their job, etc. for their kids and family? No one knows, because there are too many to count. We all, lower class and middle class mostly, stare at the newspaper or news on the tv/internet waiting in fear for news that will ruin our lives, and for some that has already happened. But what can we do? We are all suffering, and I don't have an answer, I really wish I did, but I don't.

I got really interested in this topic just now because I thought about a book I read (typical me). In the book, there was this trust system, no money exchanged. People took what they needed from the stores, and the only reason there were people at the front counter was to make sure that they weren't running out of anything. Then, again the book was about an alien race. But wouldn't that be great? I mean if we, people in general, could be trusted not to take too much. In the end I realize that nothing can change what we are now, we are all corrupt in some way, we are all greedy and jealous sometimes. (I'm not trying to be mean, just truthful)

Anyway, my evaluation: I think that the money systems run throughout the world are fine. Do you have an alternative that would work for the general public? (I didn't think so) ;)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Chuck (TV Show on NBC)

10/10 STARS

I love this TV show, I watch it every single monday (even if I have homework that I should be doing).
Chuck is about this guy with an intersect in his mind, and if he sees something relating to various government stuff, he "flashes" and what to normal people seems...normal, is something else to him. For example, he flashed on this one guys face and he learned that he was a part of some crime against the US. Cool, huh? I know! Basically it's about his life, his spy girlfriend, his nerdy friends, and other stuff.
This show never gets boring, something cool always happens that gets your attention. So of course, I am addicted to it. I definitely suggest this show to anybody that has time on Mondays at 8pm.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Amulet of Samarkand (oooh..9/10 stars!)

Book Review!!!!
(I can explain the multitude of exclamation points in three words: I love books! I read books as often as I can, just ask my friends!)

Rating: 9/10 STARS
Background info: The Amulet of Samarkand is about a boy and a djinni. The boy, Nathaniel but known by his magician name John Mandrake, is an extremely smart and competent apprentice even though his master doubts his abilities. Thanks to his master’s abundant library he has plenty of reading material to sustain his thirst for knowledge and thus becomes far more advanced than most at his level. The djinni, Bartimaeus, is extremely sarcastic and his personality really spices up the story. As a djinni, he can change into any form- be it human or animal, he can also see on multiple planes- humans can only see on one plane but all the other planes, perhaps a countless number of them, there are hidden entities or other magical artifacts and barriers. Like Bartimaeus, there are other essences from the “Other Place”, many lesser beings and many greater entities of such extraordinary power humans do not even try to harness it. Of course, how could I forget? Magicians get their power from these entities, without them they are normal humans. Magicians must summon the djinni and so forth from the Other Place through a ritual, then they order them to do whatever they wish. The entities cannot disobey or else they risk permanent confinement or they explode. Naturally this summoning and forced obedience induces a natural enmity between the two races.
Summary: Nathaniel summoned Bartimaeus, and ordered him to steal the Amulet of Samarkand. Throughout the book, there is an underlying plot, which has to do with the Resistance, who want to overthrough the magicians in charge of London. The Resistance has stolen many magical artifacts from the magicians, but no one knows who makes up the Resistance. Anyway back to the main plot, Simon Lovelace a very prominent magician, he discovers his amulet is missing and goes in search of it. Now you are wondering why Nathaniel stole the amulet, simple, he wanted revenge. I would say way more, and believe me I want to, but I think you should read it for yourself! It's a great book and I hope what I have written so far will convince you to open this book, because once you do you won't be able to put it down.

If you haven' t guessed by now...I loved this book. I really liked the characters, especially Bartimaeus. I mean who doesn't enjoy a sarcastic being from the "Other Place"? I mean really! The setting also enhanced the characters and assisted in developing the plot. This author is brilliant at imagery. I could picture every scene and every character. Oh, and there were definitely those moments when I was biting my nails and jumping in anticipation of an event, and moments when I laughed until I cried. To conclude this review, I suggest everyone reads this book, it is super good. After your done with this book you can move on to the next to books in the series, I haven't read them yet but don't wait for me!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Once Upon A Hot Day

46. Write about a hot day.
A girl's ice cream slipped and fell onto the pavement. Sizzling, away it melted. People walking around in shorts and tees. Ice and every kind of cold beverage you can imagine crowded hands. Fans blew inside homes. Most of the fortunate people remained in doors, with their air conditioning. I mourned in silence,...plop. Whoa! A tired runner sits down on me, and leans back, glugging water. I turn back to watching. The grass stands straight and still, the leaves on branches are even stiller than the grass. Not a breeze to disturb the branches. Sprinklers run and kids dodge through the showerng sprinkles. I stare, enviously. It doesn't seem fair that the suns rays should beat down directly on me, I can't even move. If you haven't guessed by now I am a park bench.

Sorry, I'm bored! (LOL)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Thief's Knife

328. Write from the point of view of the knife inside a thief's pocket.

Dark, Dark, Dark.
I can't see anything!
It's warm and a tight-fit.
Oh, shh!
Did you hear that?
Wait, listen.
Distant, shrill...
Some thing's screaming!
The screaming is close now.
A hand wraps around my handle.
Suddenly light blinds me.
A flickering street lamp,
A cold, lonely sidewalk,
Harsh, stern buildings.
No one helps this person before me.
She screams again and again,
As the man reaches forth and snatches her purse,
All the while threatening with my blade.
Then, he turns and runs while she cries hysterically.
Darkness again, what more could I expect?
Dark, Dark, Dark.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Strange Story

It all started on August third, two weeks ago. I was walking home from a long day at school and I saw a small package on my doorstep. I hurried up the sidewalk and grabbed the package on my way in. I placed the package on the sofa, then noticed that the message light was flashing. I went over, pressed the button, and a strange robotic voice annouced that the package I had just recieved was of significance and if I could not figure out what significance I would fail. Puzzled, I played the message over and over again until it seemed like one of those annoying songs that gets stuck in your head. It still didn't make any sense, in fact it seemed a bit frightening. Questions buzzed through my head, who was that, what do they want, and should I be scared. I sat near the package, afraid to open it but afraid not to, I was scared stiff. I finally pulled apart the packaging and revealed a shell, like one of those sea shells you see on a beach. I stared, frustrated and annoyed. This must be a prank, I thought, angrily. As the days passed, I recieved more parcels each with another strange, seemingly unrelated objects, like a comic book, a discarded soap box, rubber soles, and postcard. What was the hidden meaning in this, was there one. I frowned as I stared at all the items spread across the table. Suddenly the phone rang, and I jumped a foot. I waited for it to go to voice mail, I was much more cautious these days, and a robotic voice inquired whether I had figured out the importance of the objects. I ignored the voice and continued thinking. Then, it struck, each of these items represented a person I knew. Seeing as the voice was still trying to convince me to pick up the phone and rushed over and grabbed it. "What are you going to do with them?", I demanded. "Ah, you figured it out.", it replied, "I haven't decided yet. Go to the following address..."

Monday, January 5, 2009


The Lone Tree

All around me, all was gone,
Lush beauty transformed into an unrecognizable wasteland,
My roots and branches throbbed with longing,
A longing so distinct, it was all I could feel.
I wanted to be removed from this lonely place,
I wanted the forest that once was.
That once was before many trees are cut to the ground and taken away...
So far away.
So far away from hope, love, and family.
Come back to me...
I call, through my leaves, through my roots, and soul.
No one returns the gesture.
I am alone forever and now in this place that I once called home.
They will come back for me before long and perhaps the forest will begin anew.