Monday, October 27, 2008

Couple charged for the near-starvation of a 14 year old

King 5 News:

When I read this I was horrified. I couldn't believe that anyone could be so vile, I mean starving a 14 year old girl! In the article it states: "The girl reports it was so bad, her stepmother would watch her brush her teeth to make sure she didn't swallow extra water. And because the faucet was loud, she'd sneak drinks from the toilet." That is just horrible for anyone to have to live in circumstances like those, thankfully she is away from them now. I can't believe that couple did that but the part that makes me angry is that the most time they will get in jail is about 36 to 48 months in prison. That girl faced a serious injustice and all the time those horrible people have to spend in jail is 48 months at the most. That is just outrageous, they deserve far worse in my opinion!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Part of the Railing on the Viaduct Falls

As reported on King 5 news, part of the railing on the viaduct was knocked down by a pick-up. This 20 ft section of railing was knocked down to the lower level, thankfully it didn't hit anyone. This incident occurred right after an inspection that closed the viaduct. I think that something like this shouldn't happen right after an inspection, they should have seen the potential for such an occurrence.

Monday, October 13, 2008

King County To Cut 400 Jobs

400 jobs are going to be cut in King County because of a budget shortfall of about $93 million.
Where did this come from- $93 million...I had no clue it was that bad.
But I have heard something about Chris Gregoire having to due with a huge bugdet deficit. I have no idea what that has to do with it- honestly probably nothing to due with this at all but may as well mention it when talking about money issues.
Comment on this and what you think happened.
-Courtesy of

Monday, October 6, 2008

Stock Market

Another plummet, big surprise. As if no one expected this.
We may as well just call this the Second Great Depression, we all know that it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. It just isn't right that I, as well as everyone else in my generation, am going to have to try to find a job, buy a house, and buy a car in a recovering economy. But then the older generations are going to have issues with their retirement funds. But that's life.
I sure hope the next president has some helpful ideas for saving the country. What a bad time to be voted into the office, though, now they have to clean up all this mess.

Who else thinks this is going to end up being the Second Great Depression?